Wednesday, April 17, 2019

First Impressions

The first week she was here at the barn, my new pony was admittedly pretty "scrappy" looking. Not much has been done with her in her past life. Supposedly.... she was raised by the woman I bought her from, but I also found out thru a friend of mine, that this pony had been run thru a sale a few times...

Lovely movement

While the idea of running thru a sale may be offputting to some, to me it just adds to her story. Supposedly- "Her momma was named Lucky so the filly was named Clover." While I kinda wanted to stay with that, I also wanted to go with a name with double ZZ's in it. I had a couple picked out for her already.  

Really reaching out and traveling uphill.  Nice. 

One of the girls at the barn looked down on her for a bit. She had a lot of hair, it looked sort matted in places, she had no bridlepath, her feet needed timmed and the list goes on. Plenty for her to turn her nose up at.

While she may have turned her nose up at my pony, (for which I'm perfectly fine with, because I know what I've got) she also asked if my pony was started under saddle. When I explained to her that the pony is not broke and knows next to nothing- she admitted she would not know how to start a horse under saddle and would be terified. 
I have heard her make a few comments since about how good my pony looks, how well she's doing and each time I can hear a bit of jealousy in her voice. Sometimes the scent of jealousy is overwhelming but I politely ignore it.  

I have had my pony a little over a month now and she has made a rather bold statement for herself. The horse across the aisle from her came from the sale barn about a month prior. She was a bit thin and also scraggly, had a coat like a yak and could be ridden...  but she still has a bit more weight to gain and thanks to her owner allowing, if not causing a trainwreck in the barn aisle, she has not been ridden by her owner since.  

Wearing a borrowed cooler for the first time ever, after her first rinse- she was not a fan and still gets a bit apprehensive about water running over her body. She has also since worn a blanket for reasons soon to be revealed and learned that blankets can and do- go on over the head and she will not die in the process. 

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