Friday, September 23, 2022

What now?

So Casey is on the mend and we get a good workout in on Friday. She's a little lit and giving it her all, but we work thru it and have a good experience. Lots of bending left and right, moving this way and that, circles and serpentines, loose rein and contact, just about everything we can do, we do. 

She has a tendency to stop whenever she hears me say anything so to fix that- I pull out my phone and hit the Pandora app. With music the horses learn to deal with noise around them. It also has a rythym they can adjust theirs to and usually they just plain like it. Sure they like different genre's too like us and different songs more than others. 

I like to sing along, so it helps keep me breathing and relaxed. Music also helps the horses pick out when to listen to me and when they can sort of ignore the noise and keep moving. Besides it's not all voice commands. They should be feeling the reins & bit and I will lay the whip acdoss their hip or down the side of their body. Honestly I forget to use it most of the time. Rules are that you have to have it in your hand or on the cart so I carry one but forget to use it. 

So ffwd a week and yesterday am when I went to feed and swap the mares around. Casey comes walking to me from across the pasture. My eyes immediately drop to her lower legs.

WTF???? So I call over the other border for a second opinion. As she walks up I asked her take a look at Casey tell me what you see. Her eyes immediately hit the same thing. Right front fetlock and pastern are swollen and at first to me it looks like her hoof angles are off as well.

But then as I'm colld hosing I glance up and see this in her girth area. She's managed to get herself all tore up on who knows what.  Ugh! 

And then there's this.... The first night it doesn't look all that bad. 

But then a day later? Yeah. WTH? This is the outside of the front right. I'm just really glad its not any deeper. 

I took a walk along the fenceline in the pasture to see if I could find anything there and no such luck. There are no feeders, no ring for a round bale or anything else she could be getting hung up on so who knows. Some horses seem to invent shit to hurt themselves on. I'm hoping Casey isn't one of them. 

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