Monday, April 26, 2021

On the market

After a lot of thought and a Lot of discussion with different friends and people in the know, I have decided to sell Mazy. I mean she was a project pony from the start and the whole idea of starting her under saddle, bringing her along and showing her was the whole idea from the beginning.  My friends don't think I should sell her. They're convinced that somehow I'm going to come into a windfall of money that will allow me to buy all the things and go to all of the big shows and turn some heads, shake things up and really get noticed. While I'm certainly not opposed to any of that happening, I have a pretty firm grasp on reality and unless the lotto Gods smile on me.... Which is tough to do when I seldom buy tickets. 

If I were to move Mazy on to another home where they have the funding for all the things and the means to take her to all the shows, then I would be able to pick up a few things- like a proper carriage and another pony to drive and compete.  As I have been told by many- "She certainly has the talent to go far" I realize that I have gotten her as far as I could to the best of my abilities. 

For a dressage pony she has 3 lovely, forward gaits and beautiful uphill movenent. 

As a hunter pony, again she has lovely movement and has been started over fences which she enjoys. 

As a driving pony- she has had limited time between the shafts but has really taken to it and loves it. That's just going around the arena as in simple pleasure driving. I think once she gets to really competing- she's going to slay it in a big way. She already has the dressage foundation and I think in hazards and cones- she's going to hit her stride and blow peoples minds. 

I'll just be happy to see her go on and advance in whatever direction life takes her. 


  1. That's such a hard decision to make but I'm sure you will do the right thing for both of you. It would be nice to have a money tree, wouldn't it?

  2. It would but at the end of the day we all have to be realistic. I would be thrilled to see her move up the levels in competition- whatever discipline it is.
