Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Cowgirl clothes

Since I don't quite have a cart for my pony yet, I figured it's a good time to get on her. I brought out an old western saddle I have hanging around and started using that. She stood like a rock for tacking up, not even flinching or twitching a muscle. Part of this shift in our focus is the fact that the last show I had taken Izzy to (and we rocked it in a bad ass way!),  is coming up at the end of the month. I will go and watch this year, a few of the other boarders may go with me, but it will be a tad bittersweet. 

The miserable woman waiting for a rodeo is no longer at the barn, but if she were, I'm sure she would have been disappointed. There's a lot more there to expand on, but that would be a post of it's own. 
Three weeks ago I got on my pony for the first time. Sometimes there is too much going on at the barn and other times there is next to nobody there. This day the barn owner was there with a few relatives and they were messing with the huge garden, so they were close enough if things got too western they could call 911, but far enough away that they wouldn't be distracting or spooking my pony.

I took Miss Mazy out to the arena and lunged her. I haven't done that in a while and she needs a refresher. It was enough to get the bugs out before getting to work. I put her in the long lines before getting on. My saddle was a little too padded up and kept trying to roll on me. One thing about that- if it ever rolls on her, she won't be bothered by it. She let me get on from the left side, but was a bit hesitant about me climbing on from the right. So I climbed on from the left and got off on the right. Once she figured out the plan, I got on and off from both sides, giving her a chance to stand and process things in her mind in between. She never moved a muscle. She stood like a good pony does and was totally relaxed. I'll take it. 

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