Sunday, July 5, 2020


I promised pics and here are a few... Trust me- there are a Lot more to come.

Going to the left is her better direction and this allows me to get a lot more pics because I'm not having to help her stay steady in her work. 

Pushing off from behind and while not on the vertical, she is on the bit, quiet and soft. 

Moving in a balanced frame, alert and the ear is soft while listening for the next cue

Starting to fade a little and slip out of the frame we're going for, but a minor correction or reminder and we have this-> 

Which gets her a ton of praise as always. Picture her in tack with a rider... Which is why this is one of my fave pics. 

Changing directions and while Mazy gets a little out of sorts now and then

Before long she's back to working like she should

and rocking that big badass look she has going for her.  While she was in the lines this night, she was super chill and just rolling along, working as if everything was effortless. When we were done I stripped all her tack and let her loose to roll and enjoy some time out. 

Let me tell ya, she got everyones attention and Held it! She started to rip and tear around in such a big way. She completed several laps of the arena at a full gallop and there was just so much raw power in the way she rolls.... She looked as if she was a 16h warmblood. All I could think was- thankfully I'm on her good side. If this pony ever wants to lose someone- they won't stand a chance.

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