Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Crackle & Pop

I mentioned the chiropractor was out on Wednesday to work on the girls. They seriously needed it. 

Casey was up first and in the initial assessment- she had a few ribs out here and there but the main thing was her right shoulder and possibly her poll. A pull here, push there, stretch this, rub that and a bunch of cracks and pops later, she's loose as a goose, licking, chewing and still not sure what happened but I feel so much better! Lol

Then it was Mazy's turn. Similar assessment- a few smaller ribs, poll and for her it's the left shoulder.... Stretches, pulls, belly rubs, push here, Crack goes that, a huge Pop and the eyes soften instantly and she's no longer a fire breathing dragon.  

It's amazing to me how their posture, attitude and even appearance changes in just a moment or two when something pops back into place and they're no longer in pain. Mazy was so much calmer and agreeable in her work lately. We have gotten a lot more long and low work on a semi loose rein.  Not something I've gotten with her in a long time. She is also starting to get back to her big, freely swinging walk where she looks like a warmblood. Yay! 


  1. its truly amazing the work that they do

  2. I wish I knew how so I could extend times between his visits. 😊
