Thursday, December 15, 2022

What about lemons?

Everybody knows the saying- when life gives us lemons, we make lemonade.... Well some of us add a bit of tequila, ice and a few other things- and make margaritas instead!  

So when your arena looks like a soupy mess, what do you do?  Well you grab your horse, cart and harness and you get out there! You go play in the mud! 

When competing, upper levels have water hazards. What better way to train for the water hazards than IN the water hazards.... 

If they are put to the cart In the mud, where do they have the option to go?  

Mazy slopping thru the mud. She lives for this... 

Trucking thru the slop...


Wind them up and let them go

Oh My God! How do I Not? I don't want to get this all over me. Ooof!

After doing this with both ponies and having such a blast at it... All I can say is that y'all are a bunch of damned crybabies. Gotta get your redneck on now and then! Hahaha

Oh and by the way - wear your lace up boots for this. Slip On means they will slip Off in the mud should you have to get out of the cart. Just a helpful tip there. Lolz


  1. oh my! too funny! I wish we had mud... until spring when we have it . Looks like fun

  2. Everybody at the barn thought I was joking. Until they seen us out there splashing around and trucking right thru it. Then they wished they were in the middle of it playing too. "Pass!" turned to "Oh Yeah! Must Try!"
