Wednesday, December 20, 2017

A little backstory

When my new person found me online for sale, she pretty much knew from the first pics that I would be hers. After 2 months of trying to figure out when and where she could meet me and bring me home, she finally just asked where to send the check. She was impressed with my pictures that much.

My person at the time was a little shocked that she didn't even want to come see me first, but what was there to see that wasn't in the photos already? Also I wasn't trained for anything yet. I hadn't had anyone get on me and I hadn't even seen a cart, let alone pulled one so what was she going to do?

I look pretty impressive don't I?

These were the photo's from the ad online.  Hello Beautiful!

From the pic's I'm a little downhill and my person noticed I'm a little longer looking in the right front pastern than the left, but maybe that's just her take on it. I am only 3 and still have some growing to do so no big deal, right? The second pic I'm standing on a bit of a slope so that doesn't help. Haha

Less than a week after my person started riding me and everyone at the barn was definitely taking notice, my person sends a text to the previous person I belonged to. She was asking if there are any more like me because everyone at the barn is super impressed with me. She might need a few more projects.... Lol

She kind of laughed it off because as she replied- "I'll send anything I get your way to look at. She was the only pony in a hoarding case. Everything else was really old and wild. When I got her, you couldn't touch her! She had been turned out her whole life and never touched."   Another text- "She really wanted to learn once she learned we weren't going to rope her down every time we went near her. She's come quite a long way...."

What's funny is that now when my person pulls in, I whinny to her from the barn or pasture, wherever I'm at. I also come running to the gate! You know, because most of the time she has COOKIES! Or we are going to do things and after I do my best and impress her- she will give me COOKIES! In case you couldn't tell, it's ALL about the COOKIES!  Hahahahaha

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