Thursday, December 7, 2017

Moving out

After the first couple rides, my person kept getting on me and we would walk around in the round pen. I began to notice small things like her taking her legs off my sides and shifting her weight slightly. She would squeeze to get me to go so when I felt her take her legs off me- I stopped. Easy enough, right?

She would still work me in the lines and things were really starting to progress. I could feel that I was and am using my body differently. 

My stride began to lengthen and my body just had a natural swing to it. My steps even felt lighter like I had more hang time in the air between strides. It was and is, a really cool feeling.

A few times I even broke into a lope. It wasn't all that fast and even though I thought my person might try and slow me down, she didn't. Instead she made a different noise and when I loped, she made all the pretty sounds to let me know she approved. I'm really starting to get the hang of this. 


Picture me doing this with my person in the saddle. Yeah because I'm rockin it!


I'm striding out so much better every day.


  1. She's so cute, how old is she again?

  2. Thank you! I'm 3 and in the last 6 months have really blossomed according to my person and her friend/ fellow blogger (Cut-N-Jump). Wait until you see how much in the next post! :-D
