Saturday, July 2, 2022

Baby steps

Since I need to get Casey going in harness and brought everything out to the barn to get it done, it was time to get after it. Last Sunday night I put her to for the first time. Casey did Amazing! 

All tacked up and boots on ready to work.... Out to the arena we go. 

A quick workout both directions as a pre-flight check to make sure she's ready and listening....

Everything checks out ok so we make our way over to the cart and start the process by me pulling the cart along behind her, while ground driving around the arena. Let her hear all the cart noises without any pressure. She handled it like a champ. 

Part 1 went well enough. No the cart doesn't have the seat on it as I did not intend to get in yet. Baby steps. There is nothing wrong with taking your time or even going slow. Safety is always the priority. 

We stopped to make a small adjustment- removed the breeching, as seen lying in the basket of the cart. Since all we were doing was walking, the breeching was not really needed. I did not fasten the holdbacks so that if things went sideways, it would be easier to get everything undone. Casey never missed a beat. Proud Pony Mom Moment! Lol 😊